Ride with taste through GF Gimondi – Bianchi valleys
The event to be held in Bergamo on Sunday, May 10th, will be an opportunity to challenge the own limits but also to learn more about this unique territory’s gastronomic culture
Ride your bike along the Granfondo Internazionale Felice Gimondi – Bianchi roads renews every time the opportunity to challenge ourselves on the very demanding routes through the valleys surrounding Bergamo where the event takes place on Sunday, May 10th. Certainly, there are also those facing the race softly, with the aim of enjoying the beauty of the area and its gastronomic delights.
Cycling lovers will be welcomed by Bergamo valleys’ traditional flavours and tastes: poor dishes such as fresh pasta filled with meat that gives life to casoncelli, humble specialities like polenta, the queen of every local dining table, or chestnuts from the Brembana Valley feeding the farmers, formerly known as “the poor man’s bread”.
Not to be missed likewise the black truffle hosted by the lush woods around Bracca, or the Moscato Passito from Val Calepio, imported by the Romans in the Scanzorosciate area, and known in the noble Renaissance houses of Milan and Venice, as well as by the Russian tsars.
Well known much beyond the local borders, Taleggio is an authentic national excellence that takes its name from the marvellous valley where it is aging. In addition to the breath-taking views, the Taleggio Valley is also famous for this delicious cheese already appreciated in the 1300s with the name of stracchino. Nowadays, it has become one of the iconic foods of Bergamo and Italian cuisine.
Certainly, together with Taleggio, the Bergamo salami is what should never be missing on a Bergamo’s cutting board. This salami must be tied exclusively by hand, and the seasoning period cannot be less than 40 days.
Almost three months are missing at the start of the GF Gimondi – Bianchi: an opportunity to challenge the own limits, but also to take some time and enjoy all these delicious foods.
How to register for 2020 Granfondo Gimondi – Bianchi
You can register for the 24th edition of Granfondo Gimondi Bianchi either by filling in the online form on the official website (click here), or at the G.M.S. Sport Office in Via G. Da Campione, 24/c – 24124 Bergamo.
For further information: GM Sport, info@felicegimondi.it, ph. +39 035.211721.
Bergamo (Italy), February 13th, 2020